Sarah's House: Hit or Miss
I normally love most of what Sarah and Tommy come up with, but this season has left me really questioning some of there choices. Now I would have to say that most of the house is amazing and done in what you would expect of Sarah and Tommy to come up with.
The living room, front entrance, kitchen, family room, girls and boys bedroom and craft room all read beautifully and would flow easily from one room to the next. Now here is where the questioning comes in, the dining room, master bedroom and the rec room. None of these rooms appeal to me, and I didn't feel like they flowed with the design of the rest of the house.
The dining room had so many shades of blue it was overwhelming.
The rec room came off looking very cottage country, which didn't relate to the traditional design of the rest of the home.
The master bedroom looks very soft in the above picture but on television the teal and peach were strong and it felt like it was designed for a high end retirement home.
Does any one else feel the same way? Thoughts?